Ideal for cats or dogs in single- or multiple-pet homes. Perfect for whole day out or short trip. It far exceeds the amount of water a dog can drink for seven days. Small snail's tummy makes you worry-free. Most of important, reduce the number of frequent water changes for busy people.
Water barrel made of transparent PET, which allows for checking water levels at a glance.
We also design a one-way flow channel, from which water can only go out.
Vacated Water Outlet - Just clean it with a damp towel. Drinking Spout- Open the panel to clean. Never need to move the entire machine for clean.
Compared with open drinking fountain, it completely cuts off dirt such as dust and floating hair into the water storage area. Every drink for your adorable pet is safe.

Item type: Refills Automatically water for cats and dogs.
Can meet 7 days needs for your pet, can go outside with no worry.
Color: Blue or Pink
Size: 30*23.3cm